Elevate Your Business with Advanced Aerial Imaging and Analytics

Proactive Imaging

Using drone imagery is worthwhile for several reasons:

  1. It can help save money and increase efficiency by providing farmers with accurate data to make informed decisions.
  2. By reducing expenses such as the use of water and pesticides, drone imagery can also promote sustainability and decrease the overall carbon footprint of farming operations.
  3. With the ability to detect issues early on, such as crop stress or pest infestations, farmers can take proactive measures to address problems and prevent crop loss.
  4. Drone imagery allows for time-lapse monitoring of crop changes in response to treatment and climate change, enabling farmers to make informed decisions about resource management and crop production.





Get ahead of the competition with our powerful imagery and analytics

Drone imagery can provide a range of insights and analytics for precision agriculture. With the help of advanced analytics and machine learning, drone imagery can provide predictive insights to help farmers make informed decisions about resource management and crop production. Among others, drone imagery can detect:

  1. Crop stress
  2. Measure plant height and density, and identify nutrient deficiencies*
  3. Soil moisture
  4. Detect irrigation issues
  5. Monitor crop growth over time. 


Predictive analytics can include: forecast yield, predict disease outbreaks, and even identify optimal planting and harvesting times. These powerful insights allow farmers to get ahead of the competition by optimizing their operations and maximizing yields.

DALL·E 2023-06-05 20.56.39 - drone photograph of an orchard
DALL·E 2023-04-15 16.25.06 - film still of a DJI Phantom 4 Pro placed on flat grass overlooking a coastal pasture, harsh overhead sunlight, midday, summer, long shot, wide shot, f

Capture change through time

Timelapse imagery helps farmers correlate weather and climate changes with land conditions. Consistent data acquisition and strategic planning ensure reliable analytics. By analyzing timelapse data, farmers make informed decisions on irrigation, nutrients, and other practices, optimizing resources and maximizing yield.

Applications of timelapse imagery include:

  • Monitoring crop growth stages
  • Identifying pest or weed patterns
  • Assessing land management effectiveness
  • Evaluating irrigation and drainage impact
  • Supporting crop insurance claims
  • Informing crop rotation and field expansion decisions
  • Tracking land rehabilitation and conservation efforts
  • Assessing overall agricultural ecosystem health

Intelligent Data Gathering

Drones offer an efficient solution for aerial imagery and data collection. With their advanced technology and automation capabilities, they can quickly gather and analyze large amounts of data with high accuracy. 

Save time and resources compared to traditional methods such as manual surveys or satellite imagery. By using drones, businesses can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions based on intelligent data gathering.

Your Privacy Matters

"Your Privacy Matters" is our commitment to safeguarding the privacy of our customers.

At Fortitude Technology Services LLC, we prioritize the protection of your personal, business, and property information. We understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and security of your data, and we have implemented robust measures to ensure its protection. We adhere to strict data privacy practices and comply with applicable regulations to safeguard your information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Let us earn and maintain your trust through our unwavering commitment to protecting your data.